Vencord Not Working: Fix With Firewall And Powershell Script - The Nature Hero (2024)

If you are a fan of Vencord, you know how awesome it is to personalize your Discord with various features and enhancements.

But sometimes, Vencord may not work as expected and cause problems.

Vencord is not working due to some Discord updates or features, so you must run a PowerShell script to fix it. You can also uninstall Vencord anytime to revert to the original Discord client.

Continue reading to learn how to troubleshoot and fix Vencord issues.

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What Is Vencord?

ADiscord client modis a modification of the official Discord client that adds or changes some features or functionalities.

It is usually done by third-party developers who are not affiliated with Discord.

Some examples of Discord client mods are Powercord, Replugged, and Vencord.

Further, it allows you to customize your Discord experience with themes, plugins, and more.

Vencord Not Working: Fix With Firewall And Powershell Script - The Nature Hero (1)

Themes are visual changes that alter the appearance of Discord, such as colors, fonts, backgrounds, etc.

Plugins are functional changes that add new features or enhance existing ones, such as Spotify controls, message loggers, etc.

However, you can browse and install themes and plugins from the Vencord settings menu or the Vencord website.

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Why Is Vencord Not Working?

Vencord is easy to install and update. You need to download the installer from the website, open it, and click the install button.

Significantly, Vencord will automatically update itself when there are new versions available.

However, there could be several reasons why Vencord is not working for you.

Some possible causes are:

  1. Discord has updated its client and file layout, which may have broken Vencord.
  2. Your antivirus or firewall prevents Vencord from injecting itself into the Discord client.
  3. You have installed incompatible or outdated themes or plugins causing errors or crashes.

Fixes To Vencord Not Working

Vencord may not work well with some Discord updates or features, so you must run a PowerShell script to fix it.

Additionally, you can uninstall Vencord anytime to revert to the original Discord client.

To fix these issues, you can try the following solutions:

1. PowerShell Script

APowerShell script will repair Vencord and make it compatible with the latest Discord version.

However, the PowerShell script on the Vencord GitHub page is a file named install.ps1.

This file contains the code that will inject Vencord into your Discord client.

Also, fixes any issues that may have occurred due to Discord updates.

The script will also check for Vencord updates and install them if available.

To run the PowerShell script, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the install.ps1 file from the YouTube video description or the GitHub page.
  2. Then, right-click on the file and select Run with PowerShell.
  3. If you see a warning message, type Y and press Enter to allow the script to run.
  4. Wait for the script to finish and close the PowerShell window.
  5. Finally, restart your Discord client and enjoy Vencord.

2. Add Antivirus Or Firewall

Some antivirus or firewall software may block Vencord from injecting itself into the Discord client or accessing the internet.

Contrarily, this may cause Vencord not to work correctly or be flagged as malicious.

Thus, to add Vencord to your antivirus or firewall’s allow list or exception list, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Find out which antivirus or firewall software you are using on your computer.
  2. Search for the instructions to add an exclusion or exception for your antivirus or firewall software.
  3. Follow the instructions and add Vencord.exe and Discord.exe to the allowlist or exception list of your antivirus or firewall software.
  4. Then, browse to the folder where the files are located, or copy and paste their paths.
  5. Restart your computer and check if Vencord is working now.
Vencord Not Working: Fix With Firewall And Powershell Script - The Nature Hero (2)

3. Update Or Uninstall

Update or uninstall any themes or plugins that are causing problems.

You can do this from the Vencord settings menu or the Vencord website.

If none of these solutions work, you can contact the Vencord developers or other users on the Vencord Discord server for more help.

You can also report any bugs or crashes on the GitHub issues page.

The Bottom Line

Vencord is a popular mod for Discord that lets you personalize your chat app with various features and enhancements.

Therefore, if you are having trouble with Vencord, you can try some easy fixes.

You can try running a PowerShell script, updating your Discord version, or reinstalling Vencord.

Further, check the Vencord GitHub page or YouTube channel for more information and support.

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Vencord Not Working: Fix With Firewall And Powershell Script - The Nature Hero (2024)


How to fix Vencord not working on Discord? ›

The most likely cause is that your install is outdated. Check if there's any updates. You can either do so using our inbuilt updater, or if you cannot get there due to crashes or similar, use the “Update Vencord” in the Installer. If you're all up to date, try reinstalling with the installer anyway!

Is Vencord bannable? ›

Vencord is basically never bannable.

How do I open Vencord settings? ›

To enable Settings, first install Vencord if you haven't already done so. Then open the Plugins section in settings, search for Settings, and enable it.

Is Vencord available on mobile? ›

Vencord, a highly respected client-side modded client, offers an Android client which essentially embeds the mobile site and enables full Vencord functionality, meaning you can use the No Telemetry plugin to disable almost all non-essential telemetry/“phone home's”.

Is BetterDiscord bannable? ›

While it's possible to find a few anecdotes online about people claiming to have been banned for using client modifications like Vencord or Better Discord, the reality is a bit more nuanced: Discord's Stance: Against the Terms of Service: Using these modified clients does violate Discord's Terms of Service.

Is BetterDiscord against ToS? ›

Is BetterDiscord against Discord's Terms of Service (ToS)? ​ Yes, but unless you do something egregious, such as use it to selfbot or use unapproved plugins, you'll be fine.

Is using FPS Unlocker bannable? ›

Technically, no. But if they are used to exploit or gain unfair advantages, then yes.

Is Roshaders allowed? ›

Nope! ro-shade does modify some files but it doesn't changes your/other players gameplay drastically therefore it is not considered as an exploit on a third party program.

Is using Blitz GG bannable? ›

No, using Blitz will not result in your game account being banned. Blitz works closely with Riot Games to ensure our app is fully compliant.

Is Aliucord against Discord ToS? ›

🙋 FAQ. Using third party clients is against the ToS. We are not responsible for anything that might happen to your account by using third party clients. Use at your own discretion.

Where to install Vencord Plugins? ›

Install Guide
  1. place the plugins inside the userplugins folder (vencord/src/userplugins)
  2. run pnpm build and pnpm inject again.
  3. enable the plugin in discord settings.

How to open Discord console vencord? ›

Opening the Console
  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+I to open the Developer Tools.
  2. Click the Console Tab.
Jun 21, 2023

How to get vencord on browser? ›

You can download Vencord from the Chrome Store or use the Userscript.

What is Vendroid? ›

Vendroid is a custom Discord client for Android. The way it works is that it loads the website and injects Vencord. Discord's mobile site is not very usable since it has many issues. As such, this is mostly just a proof of concept and is not actively worked on.

What is Vencord Discord? ›

Vencord is a modification for that adds plugins and custom styles, blocks Discord's tracking and more!

How do I fix my browser Discord? ›

  1. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies: Cached data or corrupted cookies might be causing the problem. ...
  2. Disable Browser Extensions: Some browser extensions could be conflicting with Discord's functionality. ...
  3. Update Your Browser: Ensure your browser is up to date, as outdated versions may not be compatible with Discord.

Why is Discord overlay not working? ›

Enable in-game overlay and ensure your game is registered

Discord overlay won't respond if the feature is turned off. It also won't work if you don't turn it on for the specific game you're playing. Discord should automatically detect and add each game once you start playing. You can then turn on its overlay toggle.

Why is my bot not working on Discord? ›

Usually this kinda of thing happens when the token is wrong or it gets changed or the bot permissions on the server change too. Did you verifiy if the token you are using is the same as the one on the discord developer portal? Other than that you will have to debug your code to find out what is happening.

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