Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (2024)

By Greensburg

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (1)

  • The Arkson this list will be rated according to three factors, in that order:
  1. The overall strength of the skills taught by the Ark, bonus pointsif these skillsare unique to it and can't be learned from any other one.
  2. The Ark passive ability, that usually gets stronger the higher the level of the Ark.
  3. The Ether reward item, which is obtained by reaching 100% Ether on the Ark. This value can be raisedby farming stages with it equipped, by using Etherions or by pulling dupes in the gacha.
  • This tier list is based on the japanese version, and will be altered if sufficient balancing changes are found in the english version. It will also be updated constantly as each new SSR Ark releases.
  • We may not include the entire skill list for each Ark. Skills that are found irrelevant to the purpose of this tier list will be skipped over.

Last Update: 11/26/2019, addedCollection of Mana SSR Arks.

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (2)

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Tier List

SSR Ark Tier List

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S Tier

These Arks have meta-defining skills for your units that will significantly improve their performance, so long as the unit can effectively use them of course. They also have very strong Ark passive abilities and/or Ether items. Aiming for these is the most commonrecommendation for rerolling.

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (7)

A+ Tier

These Arks either have very potent skills for your character to learn, or sport a very powerful Ark passive and Ether items. It's not the whole package like the S tier, but it's stillrecommended to focus on them as they will greatly improve at least one particular unit build/role.

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (11)

God of the Dead
Secret of Mana

A Tier

These Arks have skills that will generally improve certain roles' performance, although the power up they provide is not as big. They still may have an awesome Ether item, or a great passive, so not a bad pull by any means.

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (15)

Divine Beast Hunter
March of the Saints
Final Fantasy Adventure

B+ Tier

These Arks can help a very specific build type (mostly niche) achieve its full potential, and while it's kind of vital for those particular units, it's generally not wise to invest into theseuntil you already have a wide roster of Arks leveled up.

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (19)

Heaven's Bow Star-Lord
Golem Core

B Tier

Sadly these Arks do not significantly aid any kind of build at all, since their skills are mostly subpar, or of very situational use. Their ark ability is also generally poor, and even if their Ether items areactually pretty nice, it's not enough to save them from B Tier.

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (23)

Dragon Treasure Reynicle

S Tier Ark Breakdowns

Skyship Lonvalion

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (25)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 1 - Lightning Gauge: You can get this from other Arks as well, but getting to learn this from the moment you start the game is excellent for fast progression.
  • Lv 1 - Giga Blazer (Unique): Another great skill to get right off the bat. It debuffs all enemies' STR by 20%, helping you reduce damage taken in boss fights. This is good early game, all the way through end game.
  • Lv 3 - Attack Up III (Unique): At the moment the only Ark available with this skill, very good for all physical units since it boosts STR by 8% without any activation conditions, plus it's cheap to equip.
  • Lv 4 - Equip Gear (Unique)
  • Lv 9 - Thunder High Boost (Unique): Vitalfor Thunder-focused casters. Willboost all magic of that element by 30%.
  • Lv 10 -Magical Aura(Unique): The main reason why this Ark is rated at the top. Will significantly boostallmagic damage, while also increasing the MP required by 50%.

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • Grant Barrier buff at the beginning of combat.
  • 25% chanceof avoiding a status effect.
  • Increase all Neutral attribute damage by 25%.

Rating: 9/10, perfect for neutral Phys DPS like Shin or Robin

Ether reward:

  • Gear
  • +143 STR / + 20 MP
  • Boost damage by 10% when hitting a weakness.

Rating: 7/10.

Archangel Smile

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (26)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 1 - Galaxy: Mid-tier Light spell. Early access to it is great, otherwise available on an SR Ark at lv 5.
  • Lv 2- Spirit Breath (Unique): Increases SCT when recovering HP. Can be situationally useful, but won't proc off skills such as Proud Force or Heal Guard sadly. Insane synergy withGorm's Ultimate.
  • Lv 4- Light Boost (Unique): Increases the power ofLight-element spells by 10%.
  • Lv 6- Void Curse(Unique): Grants immunity to the Curse status ailment.
  • Lv 9 - Archangel's Blessing (Unique): Restores 30% MP after every wave. This is amazing in GL due to other MP regeneration effects being less strong over here.
  • Lv 10 -Shining Zok(Unique): Easily the best offensive spell in the game, since Light is such a strong element in general. I can guarantee you'll get tired of the animation since you'll be seeing it so much.

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • 50% chance to survive fatal damage with 1 HP
  • [Knight / Spirit only] Reduce physical damage taken by 20%.
  • High Regeneration buff applied to all allies at the start of battle.

Rating: 7/10, The regen buff can be very useful, as it's basically a free Grand Regeneration cast on every wave. Usually equipped on a support character.

Ether reward:

  • Accessory
  • +50 MND
  • SCT speed + 10%
  • Slightly restore SCT after every wave.

Rating: 7/10. Great on allphysical attackers, even if the last ability is made irrelevant by Pirate's Feast.

Pirate Ship Legnis

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (27)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 1 -Breaker(Unique): Boosts the break value of any given unit, and is somewhat cheap at 5 SC. There's generally no reason not to put this on your physical units (and even some magical units like Zekus) going into a boss fight, Break is usually a major help.
  • Lv 4 - Equip Axe (Unique)
  • Lv 7 - Fish Slayer (Unique): Increases physical damage dealt to the Fish race.
  • Lv 8 - Guts (Unique): Survive an otherwise deadly attack with 1 HP. Effect continues until the attack is over.
  • Lv 10 -Pirate Feast(Unique): This will vastly speed up physical clears, as it will fully replenish all skill uses for the equipping unit.

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • After every wave:recovers SCT for all units equal to 15 seconds of elapsed time.
  • Boosts stats by 35% aftera female teammatedies.
  • Grants Stun resistance for the first 10 seconds of battle.

Rating: 8/10. This ability would be great for farming. The catch is that, once you have this at level 10, farming with this Ark on will take a toll on your blue orbs. At that point it's better to rely on Pirate Feast instead. The Stun resistance part will bevery handy for PvP however, when thatcomes out.

Ether reward:

  • Accessory
  • STR + 20 / DEF + 20
  • Boosts item drop rate on enemies this unit kills.

Rating: 8/10. This is the same as Robin's passive, and will turn any other unit into a great farmer as well.

A+ Tier Ark Breakdowns

God of the Dead

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (28)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 1 - Dark Matter: Mid-tier Darkspell. Early access to it is great, otherwise available on an SR Ark at lv 5.
  • Lv 2- Magic Up III (Unique): Increases INT by 8%. This is the main reason why most people will want this Ark, since it will noticeably increase the power of any caster.
  • Lv 4- Dark Boost (Unique): Increases the power of Dark-element spells by 10%.
  • Lv 7- Stun Nil (Unique): Grants immunity to the Stunstatus ailment.
  • Lv 9 - Death God(Unique): 2% chance to kill non-boss enemies with physical attacks. Doesn't work in Arena. Better on units with high-hit counts like Sevia.
  • Lv 10 -Abyss Gate(Unique): Tied up with Shining Zok in terms of damage, mp costand casting time. Even ifLight provides thebetter elemental coverage overall, that doesn't mean this spell is any less powerful of course.

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • Whenever an enemy or ally dies, recover 10% HP.
  • Boost the power of Dark-element attacks by 30%
  • Unit loses 10% HP after performing a Dark-element attack.

Rating: 6/10. You'd think the 30% extra power would be quite useful on a dark-focused caster. Sadly, losing 10% HP right after each cast would mean losing theMoonlighteffect, ending up with nearly no extra boost.

Ether reward:

  • Axe
  • +199STR
  • Dark Element

Rating: 8/10. Great weapon, highest STR in the game currently.


Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (29)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 1 - Tornado Storm: Mid-tier Earth-element spell. Very handy to have early on, just like Lightning Gauge.
  • Lv 3 - EarthBoost (Unique): Boosts all Earth-element spell power by 10%.
  • Lv 7 -Grand Cross(Unique): High-tier Earth-element spell. Great to learn on any mage.
  • Lv 9 - EarthAttack Raise (Unique): Increases the power of Earth-element physical attacks by 20%.
  • Lv 10 -Dual Wield(Unique): Enables equipping a second weapon on the armor slot. This skill is often vital for physical attack builds, as it will double the amount of hits they deal with any attack (except magic). Both hits have their damage numbers nearly halved, but it's still great to have the extra weapon STR value. It is however the most expensive skill in the game to equip, at 14 SC (but it's usually worth that much).

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • -25% Physical damage taken.
  • Increased move speed while on desert stages.
  • Additional damage on Earth-based spells.

Rating: 6/10. Great for tanks, and melee units in general, if you prioritize survivability.

Ether reward:

  • Accessory
  • HP + 300 / MP + 40 / DEF + 40 / INT + 40 / MND + 40

Rating: 6/10.

Secret of Mana

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (30)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 5 - Acid Storm: Powerful Ice spell that hits the entire screen, with a chance to lower DEF. It's a viable alternative to Diamond Dust.
  • Lv 7- Power Counter: Increases STR by a whopping 30% as long as your Ultimate gauge is full.
  • Lv 9- Lunar Magic: Causes strange things to happen randomly.
  • Lv 10- Blessing of Mana: One-time Speed, Protection, Magic Barrier and Regeneration buffs when close to death. Even if the effect is subpar, this is really cheap at 3 SC.

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • When equipped with a Sword, increase STR by 5% for each active buff on the Unit (Max: 30% STR).
  • If a Man, a Woman and an "Other" unit are in the party, Max HP + 25% (equippedUnit only)
  • STR / DEF / INT / MND + 5%

Rating: 8/10. Great passive. This is clearly meant to work with the entire SoM cast, as Randi, Primm and Popoi will trigger the Max HP boost on the equipped unit. Primm's buffs will help increase the STR of the equipped character as well.

Ether reward:

  • Sword
  • +300 HP / +185STR
  • Increases damage dealt toGod-type bosses by 30%.

Rating: 9/10. The best sword in the game, competing with a future ether reward (Megrona's).

A Tier Ark Breakdowns

Divine Beast Hunter

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (31)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 2 - God Killer (Unique): Normal attack deals 50% more damage to the God race.
  • Lv 4 - Aim: Vitals (Unique): Increase the power of critical hits by 30%.
  • Lv 6 -Sky High(Unique): Increase physical damage dealt to flying or floating enemies by 20%. This is great for physical units with skills that lift the enemy up in the air.
  • Lv 10 - God Slayer (Unique): Increase physical damage dealt to the God race.

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • Reduce damage taken from non-human bosses by 20%.
  • STR + 20% after being struckby a Light-element attack.
  • Damage increases with the amount of hits in a combo.

Rating: 7/10. Good for tanks and physical units in hard boss fights. It's probably one of the best arks to use if you feel like trying to solo a boss with a single unit.

Ether reward:

  • Sword
  • + 179 STR

Rating: 8/10

March of the Saints

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (32)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 1 - High Regeneration: Good replacement for Healing Wind early game, if you don't have SR Maiden's Prayer. Otherwise it falls off later on.
  • Lv 3 - MP Up III (Unique): Increases MP by 12%.
  • Lv 5 - Cure All (Unique): Cures poison, blindness, silence, curse, illness and stun for an ally.
  • Lv 9 - Goddess Kiss (Unique): Restores MP by normal attacking. Would be better if it weren't so expensive at 11 SC.
  • Lv 10 -Immovable Object(Unique): Casting can no longer be interrupted. Goodfor mages, but usually better for supports. Offensive casters will usually prioritize other more damaging passives over this, since it's very expensive at 11 SC as well. Healers however can usually spare the SC later on, althoughyou can also get this effect simply by equipping thisArk.

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • When casting healing magic, grants immunity to most interference.
  • Chance to restore MP after being attacked.
  • Silence resistance + 2

Rating: 6/10. Solid ark for healers, especially early on. But it does become redundant if you choose to equip Immovable Object.

Ether reward:

  • Staff
  • MP+25 / STR+71 / INT+200 / MND+120
  • Recovery magic can now score criticals.

Rating: 9/10.

Final Fantasy Adventure

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (33)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 1 - Conversation: Occasionally regenerates a small amount of HP. A cheap and decent survival skill.
  • Lv 6- Monkey Baby: Regular attacks have a chance of inflicting Silence. Damage + 30% against silenced enemies. Most hard bosses can't be silenced, and the skill is quite pricy at 8 SC.
  • Lv 8- Honey Elixir: Spends all of Unit's MP (must have at least 200 MP) to greatly recover HP and fully restore SCT. Incredibly situational, will be more redundant in GL because of MP nerfs, especially after Star Eye is available.
  • Lv 10 -Gemma Knights: Will grant a considerable chance to dodge magic damage.

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • Increase the power of offensive spells belonging to the Collection of Mana collaboration by 20%.
  • [Arena only] Increase skill damage by 30%.
  • Reduce all damage taken by 10%.

Rating: 7/10. A surprisingly robust ability in an otherwise mediocre Ark. This ends up being the best option for Popoi if you want to set themup as your support, as it will boost all of their spells by 20%. The Arena boost is nice but there are probably better options for PvP.

Ether reward:

  • Accessory
  • HP + 250 / DEF + 50 / MND + 50
  • Activate Protection, Magic Barrier, Regeneration and Speed when HP is low.

Rating: 6/10. A great survival accessory, it basically gives the Blessing of Mana skill for free, saving you 3 SC.

B+ Tier Ark Breakdowns


Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (34)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 1 - Blizzard: Mid-tier Ice magic. Good to have early on in the story.
  • Lv 2 - Giga Lostoma: Debuff the INT of all enemies by 20%. Great for certain boss fights.
  • Lv 3 - Magic DefenseUp III (Unique): Increase MND by 8%.
  • Lv 6 - Aura Phaser (Unique): Grant the Aura buff (20% INT) to all allies.
  • Lv 9 - Ice High Boost(Unique): Increase damage dealt by Ice-element magic by 30%. Great for any caster that has access to Ice spells. If you were thinking of giving this to Zekus though...he already learns this passive naturally via his tree (it's his hidden ability), so there's no synergy there sadly.
  • Lv 10 -Phase Change (Unique):The higher the magic power, the higher the power of normal attacks. This skill can help out in maximizing normal attack damage, but it's still very expensive at 11 SC.

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • + 20 Ice resistance
  • Enemy guards less againstattacks it's weak to.
  • +50% Buff duration.

Rating: 3/10. This passive is really situational, I can only recommend it when facing a boss that deals ice-type damage.

Ether reward:

  • Robe
  • MP + 30 / DEF + 84 / MND + 215
  • Automatic MP Regeneration

Rating: 8/10

Heavens Bow Star-Lord

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (35)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 1 - Bird Killer (Unique): Increases normal attack damage dealt to the Bird race.
  • Lv 4 - Equip Bow (Unique)
  • Lv 6 - Bird Slayer (Unique): Increases physical damage dealt to the Bird race.
  • Lv 9 - Piercing(Unique):Physical attacks have a great chance to reduce enemy defense. Good for bulky enemies.
  • Lv 10 -Magleon (Unique):Damage increases as the distance increases during long-range physical attacks. Sadly very few units can utilize this (ranged physical dps), but it's very good for those that do.

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • CRIT + 10% while equipped with Bow.
  • +25% damage when hitting a weak point.

Rating 6/10. Only good on bow users, and bows are generally subpar in terms of STR, except for this Ark's ether reward.

Ether reward:

  • Bow
  • STR+149/ MND+88
  • Earth element
  • CRIT + 10% when using Earth or Light skills.

Rating: 7/10, great for the few physical units that have Light/Earth skills.

Golem Core

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (36)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 1 - Stone Wall: Reduces Thunder damage taken by 20% for all allies.
  • Lv 3 - Defense Up III (Unique): Increases DEF by 12%.
  • Lv 4 - Heal Guard (Unique): Unit will slightly recover afterevery hit theytakewhile guarding. One of the best guard passives, the heals scale with MND as usual.
  • Lv 8 - Auto Barrier (Unique): Magic Barrier buff (-20% magic damage taken) is on at all times.
  • Lv 10 -Magic Guard(Unique): Allows Guard to trigger even on spell damage. This here is what makes this Ark vital in building a truly good tank, along with Heal Guard.

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • + 20 Light resistance
  • + 20 Dark resistance
  • While guarding, HP cannot drop to 0.

Rating: 4/10. This is meant exclusively for tanks, which can usually benefit more from damage reductionsince guard rate is still quite low.

Ether reward:

  • Accessory
  • DEF + 55 / MND + 55
  • -25% damage taken while guarding.

Rating: 5/10.

B Tier Ark Breakdowns

Dragon Treasure Reynicle

Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (37)

Notable skills:

  • Lv 1 - Silence Resist(Unique): Silence resistance + 1
  • Lv 5 - Dragon Killer (Unique): Increase normal attack damage dealt to the Dragon race.
  • Lv 7 - Brave Phaser(Unique): Give the Brave buff (STR + 20%) to all allies.
  • Lv 9 - Auto Brave (Unique): Brave buff (STR + 20%) is on at all times.
  • lv 10 - Dragon Slayer (Unique): Increase physical damage dealt to the Dragon race.

Lv 10 Ark Ability:

  • Recover HP after receiving a buff.
  • Flame resistance + 15, Ice resistance + 15
  • Unit becomes Dragon type (retains old type as well).
  • Gain +25% Ultimate gauge when inflicting Break.

Rating: 3/10. A lot of effects, none of which are particularly useful.

Ether reward:

  • Accessory
  • HP+200/STR+45/DEF+30

Rating: 6/10



Hello there! Some of you may know me as Greensburg from the Last Cloudia community.I'm hereto share all I know about this gorgeous game, hope you find it useful!


Last Cloudia Global - SSR Ark Tier List (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.