India Grid Trust - Morgan Stanley Grid Trust (Registered in the ... Contact Person: Sandeep Maheshwari/ Anant Kharad SEBI Registration No.: INM0000010650 Karvy Computershare Private - [PDF Document] (2024)


    Dated December 2, 2016

    Book Built Issue

    India Grid Trust

    (Registered in the Republic of India as an irrevocable trustunder the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, on October 21, 2016, and as aninfrastructure investment trust under the Securities and

    Exchange Board of India (Infrastructure Investment Trusts)Regulations, 2014, on November 28, 2016, having registration numberIN/InvIT/16-17/0005 at New Delhi)

    Principal Place of Business: F-1, The Mira Corporate Suites, 1& 2, Ishwar Nagar, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 065

    Tel: +91 11 4996 2200; Fax: +91 11 4996 2288; ComplianceOfficer: Kriti Narula

    E-mail: [emailprotected];




    Axis Trustee Services Limited Sterlite Infraventures Limited#Sterlite Power Grid Ventures Limited #The board of directors ofSterlite Infraventures Limited have, subject to the approval ofshareholders of Sterlite Infravetures Limited, pursuant to aresolution dated November 7, 2016

    approved the change in name of Sterlite Infraventures Limited toSterlite Investment Managers Limited.

    India Grid Trust (IndiGrid) is issuing up to [] Units (asdefined below) for cash at a price of [] per Unit aggregating up to26,500 million (the Issue). INITIAL PUBLIC ISSUE IN RELIANCE UPONREGULATION 14(4) OF THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA(INFRASTRUCTURE


    The Units of IndiGrid are proposed to be listed on the NationalStock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and BSE Limited (BSE,together with NSE, the Stock Exchanges).

    IndiGrid has received in-principle approvals from BSE and NSEfor listing of the Units pursuant to letters dated [] and [],respectively. [] is the Designated Stock Exchange. This Issue

    will constitute at least 25% of the outstanding Units on apost-Issue basis.

    The Price Band and the Minimum Bid Size (as determined by theInvestment Manager in consultation with the Lead Managers) will beannounced on the websites of IndiGrid, the

    Sponsor, the Investment Manager and the Stock Exchanges, as wellas advertised in all editions of Economic Times (a widelycirculated English national daily newspaper) and in all

    editions of Navbharat Times (a widely circulated Hindi nationaldaily newspaper with wide circulation in New Delhi) at least fiveWorking Days prior to the Bid/Issue Opening Date. For

    further infomation, please see the section entitled Basis forIssue Price on page 79.

    In case of any revision to the Price Band, the Bid/Issue Periodwill be extended by at least one Working Day, subject to the totalBid/Issue Period not exceeding 30 days, provided that

    there shall not be more than two revisions to the Price Bandduring the Bid/Issue Period. Any revision to the Price Band and therevised Bid/Issue Period, if applicable, will be widely

    disseminated by notification to the Stock Exchanges during theBid/Issue Period and by indicating the change on the websites ofIndiGrid, the Sponsor, the Investment Manager and Stock


    This Issue is being made through the Book Building Process andin compliance with the InvIT Regulations and the SEBI Guidelines,wherein not more than 75% of the Issue shall be

    available for allocation on a proportionate basis toInstitutional Investors, provided that the Investment Manager may,in consultation with the Lead Managers, allocate up to 60% ofthe

    Institutional Investor Portion to Anchor Investors on adiscretionary basis in accordance with the InvIT Regulations andthe SEBI Guidelines. Further, not less than 25% of the Issueshall

    be available for allocation on a proportionate basis toNon-Institutional Investors, in accordance with the InvITRegulations and the SEBI Guidelines, subject to valid Bids beingreceived

    at or above the Issue Price. For details, see Issue Informationon page 224.


    This being the first issue of IndiGrid, there has been no formalmarket for the Units of IndiGrid. No assurance can be givenregarding an active or sustained trading in the Units or

    regarding the price at which the Units will be traded afterlisting.


    Investments in Units involve a degree of risk and investorsshould not invest any funds in this Issue unless they can afford totake the risk of losing their entire investment. For taking an

    investment decision, investors must rely on their ownexamination of IndiGrid and this Issue. Bidders are advised to readthe section entitled Risk Factors on page 40 before making an

    investment decision relating to this Issue. Each prospectiveinvestor is advised to consult its own advisors in respect of theconsequences of an investment in the Units being issued

    pursuant to the Offer Document. This Draft Offer Document hasbeen prepared by IndiGrid solely for providing information inconnection with this Issue. The Securities and Exchange

    Board of India (SEBI) and the Stock Exchanges assume noresponsibility for or guarantee the correctness or accuracy of anystatements made, opinions expressed or reports contained

    herein. Admission of the Units to be issued pursuant to thisIssue for trading on the Stock Exchanges should not be taken as anindication of the merits of IndiGrid or of the Units. A copy

    of this Draft Offer Document has been delivered to the SEBI andthe Stock Exchanges.


    The Investment Manager and Sponsor, severally, having made allreasonable inquiries, accept responsibility for, and confirm thatthis Draft Offer Document contains all information with

    regard to IndiGrid and this Issue, which is material in thecontext of this Issue, that the information contained in this DraftOffer Document is true and correct in all material respects and

    is not misleading in any material respect, that the opinions andintentions expressed herein are honestly held and that there are noother facts, the omission of which makes this Draft Offer

    Document as a whole or any of such information or the expressionof any such opinions or intentions misleading in any materialrespect.


    Morgan Stanley India Company Private


    18F, Tower 2

    One Indiabulls Centre

    841, Senapati Bapat Marg

    Mumbai 400 013

    Tel: +91 22 6118 1000

    Fax: +91 22 6118 1040

    E-mail: [emailprotected]

    Investor Grievance E-mail:



    Contact Person: Satyam Singhal

    SEBI Registration No.: INM000011203

    Citigroup Global Markets India Private


    1202, 12th Floor

    First International Financial Center

    G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex

    Bandra East

    Mumbai 400 051

    Tel: +91 22 6175 9999

    Fax: +91 22 6175 9898

    E-mail: [emailprotected]

    Investor Grievance E-mail:




    Contact Person: Amish Thakkar

    SEBI Registration No.: INM000010718

    Edelweiss Financial Services Limited

    Edelweiss House

    Off. C.S.T. Road, Kalina

    Mumbai 400 098

    Tel: +91 22 4009 4400

    Fax: +91 22 4086 3610

    E-mail: [emailprotected]

    Investor Grievance E-mail:



    Contact Person: Sandeep Maheshwari/

    Anant Kharad

    SEBI Registration No.: INM0000010650

    Karvy Computershare Private Limited

    Karvy Selenium, Tower B

    Plot number 31 & 32 Gachibowli

    Financial District, Nanakramguda

    Hyderabad 500 032

    Tel : +9140 6716 2222

    Fax: +9140 2343 1551

    E-mail: [emailprotected]

    Investor Grievance E-mail:



    Contact Person: M. Murali Krishna

    SEBI Registration No.: INR000000221



    *The Investment Manager may, in consultation with the LeadManagers, consider participation by Anchor Investors in accordancewith the InvIT Regulations and SEBI Guidelines. The

    Anchor Investor Bid/Issue Period shall be one Working Day priorto the Bid/Issue Opening Date.

    **The Investment Manager may in consultation with the LeadManagers, consider closing the Bid/ Issue Period for QIBs oneWorking Day prior to the Bid/ Issue Closing Date in

    accordance with the SEBI Guidelines.


    NO TICE TO INVESTO RS..............................................................................................................................................................1 DEFINITIO NS AND ABBREVIATIONS.........................................................................................................................................3 PRESENTATIO N O F FINANCIAL DATA AND O THER INFO RMATIO N..................................................................................12 FO RWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS.......................................................................................................................................15 TH E ISSUE...................................................................................................................................................................................17 OVERVIEW O FINDIGRID..........................................................................................................................................................19 FO RMATIO N TRANSACTIO NS IN RELATIO N TO INDIGRID.................................................................................................21 SUMMARY COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS................................................................................................................25 SUMMARY FINANCIAL INFORMATIO N O F THE SPONSOR..................................................................................................28 SUMMARY FINANCIAL INFORMATIO N O F THE INVESTMENTMANAGER........................................................................32 SUMMARY OF INDUSTRY.........................................................................................................................................................35 SUMMARY OFBUSINESS...........................................................................................................................................................38 RISK FACTO RS...........................................................................................................................................................................40 GENERAL INFO RMATION.........................................................................................................................................................72 BASIS FOR ISSUE PRICE............................................................................................................................................................79 PARTIES TO INDIGRID..............................................................................................................................................................81 O THER PARTIES INVOLVED ININDIGRID............................................................................................................................106 CORPORATE GO VERNANCE..................................................................................................................................................110 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................................118 OURBUSINESS..........................................................................................................................................................................142 INFORMATION CONCERNING THE UNITS...........................................................................................................................169 USE O FPROCEEDS...................................................................................................................................................................170 FINANCIAL INDEBTEDNESS AND DEFERRED PAYMENTS.................................................................................................173 DISTRIBUTIO N.........................................................................................................................................................................177 MANAGEMENTS DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS O F FACTO RS BY THE DIRECTORS O F THE INVESTMENT MANAGER AFFECTING THE FINANC IAL CONDITIO N,RESULTS O F OPERATIONS AND CASH FLOWS.......................................... 179 RELATED PARTYTRANSACTIO NS........................................................................................................................................194 REGULATIO NS AND POLICIES...............................................................................................................................................199 REGULATO RYAPPROVALS....................................................................................................................................................205 LEGAL AND O THERINFORMATION......................................................................................................................................207 SECURITIES MARKET O F INDIA............................................................................................................................................216 RIGHTS O F UNITHOLDERS.....................................................................................................................................................218 DILUTION..................................................................................................................................................................................221 ISSUESTRUCTURE...................................................................................................................................................................222 ISSUE INFO RMATIO N..............................................................................................................................................................224 TAXATIO N................................................................................................................................................................................246 COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.................................................................................................................................257 PROJECTIO NS OF REVENUE FRO M OPERATIO NS AND CASH FLOW FROMOPERATING ACTIVITIES ....................... 319 MATERIAL CONTRACTSAND DOCUMENTS FOR INSPECTION.........................................................................................328 DECLARATIO N.........................................................................................................................................................................330 DECLARATIO N.........................................................................................................................................................................331 DECLARATIO N.........................................................................................................................................................................332 DECLARATIO N.........................................................................................................................................................................333 DECLARATIO N.........................................................................................................................................................................334 DECLARATIO N.........................................................................................................................................................................335 DECLARATIO N.........................................................................................................................................................................336 DECLARATIO N.........................................................................................................................................................................337 DECLARATIO N.........................................................................................................................................................................338 DECLARATIO N.........................................................................................................................................................................339 ANNEXURE A VALUATION REPORT ANNEXURE B TECHNICAL CONSULTANTSREPO RTS ANNEXURE C AIFMD DISCLOSURES


    The statements contained in this Draft Offer Document relatingto IndiGrid and the Units are, in all material

    respects, true and accurate and not misleading, and the opinionsand intentions expressed in this Draft Offer

    Document with regard to IndiGrid and the Units are honestlyheld, have been reached after considering all

    relevant circ*mstances and are based on reasonable assumptionsand information presently available to the

    Trustee and the Investment Manager. There are no material factsin relation to IndiGrid and the Units, the

    omission of which would, in the context of the Issue, make anystatement in this Draft Offer Document

    misleading in any material respect. Further, the InvestmentManager and Sponsor have made all reasonable

    enquiries to ascertain such facts and to verify the accuracy ofall such information and statements.

    Investors acknowledge that they have neither relied on the LeadManagers nor any of their respective

    shareholders, employees, counsel, officers, directors,representatives, agents or affiliates in connection with such

    persons investigation of the accuracy of such information orsuch persons investment decision, and each such

    person must rely on his/her own examination of IndiGrid and themerits and risks involved in investing in the

    Units. Investors should not construe the contents of this DraftOffer Document as legal, business, tax,

    accounting or investment advice.

    No person is authorized to give any information or to make anyrepresentation not contained in this Draft Offer

    Document and any information or representation not so containedmust not be relied upon as having been

    authorized by or on behalf of IndiGrid or by or on behalf of theLead Managers.

    Notice to Prospective Investors in the United States

    The Units have not been recommended by any U.S. federal or statesecurities commission or regulatory

    authority. Furthermore, the foregoing authorities have notconfirmed the accuracy or determined the adequacy

    of this Draft Offer Document or approved or disapproved theUnits. Any representation to the contrary is a

    criminal offence in the United States. In making an investmentdecision, investors must rely on their own

    examination of the IndiGrid and the terms of the Issue,including the merits and risks involved. The Units have

    not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act orany other applicable law of the United States and,

    unless so registered, may not be offered or sold within theUnited States except pursuant to an exemption from,

    or in a transaction not subject to, the registrationrequirements of the Securities Act and applicable state

    securities laws. Accordingly, the Units are being offered andsold (a) in the United States only to persons

    reasonably believed to be qualified institutional buyers (asdefined in Rule 144A under the Securities Act and

    referred to in this Draft Offer Document as U.S. QIBs. For theavoidance of doubt, the term U.S. QIBs does

    not refer to a category of institutional investor defined underapplicable Indian regulations and referred to in this

    Draft Offer Document as QIBs) in transactions exempt from theregistration requirements of the Securities

    Act and (b) outside the United States in compliance withRegulation S and the applicable laws of the jurisdiction

    where those offers and sales occur.

    Notice to Prospective Investors in the European EconomicArea

    This Draft Offer Document has been prepared on the basis thatall offers of the Units will be made pursuant to

    an exemption under the Prospectus Directive, as implemented inMember States of the European Economic

    Area (EEA), from the requirement to produce a prospectus foroffers of Units. The expression Prospectus

    Directive means Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliamentand Council EC (and amendments thereto,

    including the 2010 PD Amending Directive) and includes anyrelevant implementing measure in each Relevant

    Member State (as defined below). Accordingly, any person makingor intending to make an offer within the

    EEA of Units which are the subject of the placement contemplatedin this Draft Offer Document should only do

    so in circ*mstances in which no obligation arises for IndiGridor any of the Lead Managers to produce a

    prospectus for such offer. None of IndiGrid and the LeadManagers have authorized, nor do they authorize, the

    making of any offer of the Units through any financialintermediary, other than the offers made by the Lead

    Managers which constitute the final placement of the Unitscontemplated in this Draft Offer Document.





























    Notice to Prospective Investors in Canada

    The Units may be sold only to purchasers purchasing, or deemedto be purchasing, as principal that are

    accredited investors, as defined in National Instrument 45-106Prospectus Exemptions or subsection 73.3(1) of

    the Securities Act (Ontario), and are permitted clients, asdefined in National Instrument 31-103 Registration

    Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations. Anyresale of the Units must be made in

    accordance with an exemption from, or in a transaction notsubject to, the prospectus requirements of applicable

    securities laws.

    Securities legislation in certain provinces or territories ofCanada may provide a purchaser with remedies for

    rescission or damages if this Draft Offer Document (includingany amendment thereto) contains a

    misrepresentation, provided that the remedies for rescission ordamages are exercised by the purchaser within

    the time limit prescribed by the securities legislation of thepurchasers province or territory. The purchaser

    should refer to any applicable provisions of the securitieslegislation of the purchasers province or territory for

    particulars of these rights or consult with a legal advisor.

    Pursuant to section 3A.3 of National Instrument 33-105Underwriting Conflicts (NI 33-105), the Lead

    Managers are not required to comply with the disclosurerequirements of NI 33-105 regarding underwriter

    conflicts of interest in connection with this offering.

    Notice to Investors in certain other jurisdictions

    The distribution of this Draft Offer Document and the issue ofthe Units in certain jurisdictions may be restricted

    by law. As such, this Draft Offer Document does not constitute,and may not be used for or in connection with,

    an offer or solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction in whichsuch offer or solicitation is not authorised or to

    any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer orsolicitation. In particular, no action has been taken by

    the Investment Manager or the Lead Managers which would permitan Issue of the Units or distribution of this

    Draft Offer Document in any jurisdiction, other than India.Accordingly, the Units may not be offered or sold,

    directly or indirectly, and neither this Draft Offer Documentnor any Issue materials in connection with the

    Units may be distributed or published in or from any country orjurisdiction that would require registration of

    the Units in such country or jurisdiction.



    This Draft Offer Document uses the definitions and abbreviationsset forth below which you should consider

    when reading the information contained herein.

    References to any legislation, act, regulations, rules,guidelines or policies shall be to such legislation, act,

    regulations, rules, guidelines or policies as amended,supplemented, or re-enacted from time to time and any

    reference to a statutory provision shall include any subordinatelegislation made under that provision.

    The words and expressions used in this Draft Offer Document, butnot defined herein shall have the meaning

    ascribed to such terms under the InvIT Regulations, theDepositories Act, and the rules and regulations made


    Notwithstanding the foregoing, the terms not defined but used inthe sections entitled Combined Financial

    Statements, Projections of Revenue from Operations and Cash Flowfrom Operating Activities, Taxation

    and Legal and other Information on pages 257, 318, 246 and 207,respectively, shall have the meanings

    ascribed to such terms in those respective sections.

    In this Draft Offer Document, unless the context otherwiserequires, a reference to we, us and our refers

    to IndiGrid and the Initial Portfolio Assets on a consolidatedbasis. For the sole purpose of Combined Financial

    Statements, reference to we, us and our refers to SGL1, BDTCLand JTCL on a combined basis.

    IndiGrid Related Terms

    Term Description

    Auditors S R B C & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants, statutoryauditors of IndiGrid

    BDTCL Bhopal Dhule Transmission Company Limited

    BDTCL TSA Transmission services agreement dated December 7, 2010entered into by BDTCL

    with LTTCs and a transmission services agreement dated November12, 2013,

    entered into by BDTCL with PGCIL

    Combined Financial


    Audited combined financial statements of SGL1, BDTCL and JTCL,which

    comprise the combined balance sheets as at September 30, 2016,March 31, 2016,

    March 31, 2015 and March 31, 2014, and the related combinedstatements of

    profit and loss (including other comprehensive income), combinedcash flow

    statements and combined statements of changes in equity for thesix month period

    ended September 30, 2016 and for the years ended March 31, 2016,March 31,

    2015 and March 31, 2014, and a summary of significant accountingpolicies and

    other explanatory information

    ENICL East-North Interconnection Company Limited

    ENICL TSA Transmission services agreement dated August 6, 2009entered into by ENICL

    with LTTCs and a transmission services agreement dated January28, 2013

    entered into by ENICL with PGCIL

    GPTL Gurgaon Palwal Transmission Limited

    GPTL TSA Transmission services agreement dated March 4, 2016,entered into between

    GPTL and LTTCs

    Holdco Holding company, as defined in Regulation 2(l)(sa) of theInvIT Regulations

    IndiGrid India Grid Trust

    Initial Portfolio Assets Unless the context otherwise requires,Sterlite Grid 1 Limited and its subsidiaries,

    BDTCL and JTCL and/or their power transmission projects

    Investment Management


    Investment management agreement dated November 10, 2016 and theamendment

    dated December 1, 2016, entered into between the Trustee (onbehalf of IndiGrid),

    the Investment Manager, SGL1, BDTCL and JTCL Investment ManagerSterlite Infraventures Limited

    InvIT Assets InvIT assets as defined in Regulation 2(l)(zb) ofthe InvIT Regulations, in this

    case being the Initial Portfolio Assets

    JTCL Jabalpur Transmission Company Limited

    JTCL TSA Transmission services agreement dated December 1, 2010entered into by JTCL

    with LTTCs and a transmission services agreement dated November12, 2013

    entered into by JTCL with PGCIL


  • Term Description

    KTL Khargone Transmission Limited

    KTL TSA Transmission services agreement dated March 14, 2016,entered into between

    KTL and LTTCs

    Lahmeyer Reports Technical consultant reports each datedDecember 1, 2016, issued by Lahmeyer,

    concerning the Initial Portfolio Assets which are contained inthis Draft Offer


    MTL Maheshwaram Transmission Limited

    MTL TSA Transmission services agreement dated June 10, 2015,entered into by MTL with


    NTL NRSS XXIX Transmission Limited

    NTL TSA Transmission services agreement dated January 2, 2014entered into by NTL with

    the LTTCs

    OGPTL Odisha Generation Phase II Transmission Limited

    OGPTL TSA Transmission services agreement dated November 20,2015 entered into by

    OGTPL with the LTTCs

    Parties to IndiGrid The Sponsor, the Trustee, the InvestmentManager and the Project Manager

    PKTCL Purulia & Kharagpur Transmission Company Limited

    PKTCL TSA Transmission services agreement dated August 6, 2013,entered into by PKTCL

    with the LTTCs

    Portfolio Assets Initial Portfolio Assets and/or their powertransmission projects as the context may

    require which are owned by IndiGrid from time to time.

    Project Implementation and

    Management Agreement

    Project implementation and management agreement dated November10, 2016,

    entered into between the Trustee (on behalf of IndiGrid), theProject Manager, the

    Investment Manager, SGL1, BDTCL and JTCL

    Project Manager or SPGVL Sterlite Power Grid VenturesLimited

    Projections of Revenue

    from Operations and Cash

    Flow from Operating


    Projections of revenue from operations and cash flow fromoperating activities of

    IndiGrid (consisting of IndiGrid, SGL1, BDTCL, JTCL and each ofBDTCL and

    JTCL) individually for the years ending March 31, 2018, March31, 2019 and

    March 31, 2020 along with the basis of preparation and otherexplanatory

    information and significant assumptions.


    RTCL RAPP Transmission Company Limited

    RTCL TSA Transmission services agreement dated July 24, 2013entered into by RTCL with

    the LTTCs

    Securities Purchase


    Securities purchase agreement dated [], entered into between theSponsor, the

    Trustee (on behalf of IndiGrid), the Investment Manager andSGL1

    SGL1 Sterlite Grid 1 Limited

    SGL2 Sterlite Grid 2 Limited

    SGL3 Sterlite Grid 3 Limited

    SGL4 Sterlite Grid 4 Limited

    SGL5 Sterlite Grid 5 Limited

    Sponsor Sterlite Power Grid Ventures Limited

    SPTL Sterlite Power Transmission Limited

    SPV(s) Special purpose vehicles, as defined in Regulation2(l)(zy) of the InvIT


    Sterlite group companies Subsidiaries, associates or affiliatesof Sterlite Power Transmission Limited

    STL Sterlite Technologies Limited

    Trust Deed Trust deed dated October 21, 2016, entered intobetween the Sponsor and the


    Trustee Axis Trustee Services Limited

    Unitholders Any Person who holds Units (as hereinafter defined)upon making a defined

    contribution as determined by the Trustee

    Units An undivided beneficial interest in IndiGrid, and suchUnits together represent the

    entire beneficial interest in IndiGrid

    Valuation Report Valuation report issued by the Valuer, whichsets out their opinion as to the fair

    enterprise value of the Initial Portfolio Assets as on September30, 2016 Valuer Haribhakti & Co. LLP


  • Issue Related Terms

    Term Description

    Acknowledgement Slip The slip or document issued by theDesignated Intermediary to a Bidder as proof

    of registration of the Bid cum Application Form

    Application Supported by

    Blocked Amount or ASBA

    An application, whether physical or electronic, used by ASBABidders to make a

    Bid by authorising an SCSB to block the Bid Amount in the ASBAAccount

    Anchor Investor An Institutional Investor, applying under theAnchor Investor Portion in

    accordance with the requirements specified in the InvITRegulations and the SEBI

    Guidelines in terms of the Offer Document, including a StrategicInvestor

    Anchor Investor Allocation


    Price at which Units will be allocated to Anchor Investors interms of the Offer

    Document, decided by the Investment Manager in consultation withthe Lead


    Anchor Investor

    Application Form

    The form used by an Anchor Investor to make a Bid in the AnchorInvestor

    Portion and which will be considered as an application forAllotment in terms of

    the Offer Document and the Final Offer Document

    Anchor Investor Bid/Issue


    One Working Day prior to the Bid/Issue Opening Date, on whichBids by Anchor

    Investors are to be submitted and allocation to Anchor Investorsshall be


    Anchor Investor Portion Not more than 60% of the InstitutionalInvestor Portion which may be allocated by

    the Investment Manager in consultation with the Lead Managers ona

    discretionary basis

    Anchor Investor Issue Price Final price at which Units will beAllotted to Anchor Investors in terms of the

    Offer Document and the Final Offer Document, which price will beequal to or

    higher than the Issue Price but not higher than the CapPrice

    The Anchor Investor Issue Price will be decided by theInvestment Manager in

    consultation with the Lead Managers

    Allocated/ Allocation Allocation of Units, following thedetermination of the Issue Price by the

    Investment Manager, in consultation with the Lead Managers, toBidders on the

    basis of the Application Form submitted by Investor

    Allot/ Allotment/ Allotted Unless the context otherwiserequires, the issue and allotment of Units to be issued

    pursuant to this Issue

    Allottees Bidders to whom Units are Allotted

    Allotment Advice Note, advice or intimation of Allotment sent tothe Bidders who have been or are

    to be Allotted Units after the Basis of Allotment has beenapproved by the

    Designated Stock Exchange

    ASBA Account A bank account maintained with an SCSB andspecified in the ASBA Form for

    blocking the Bid Amount mentioned in the ASBA Form

    ASBA Bid A Bid made by an ASBA Bidder including all revisionsand modifications thereto

    as permitted under the InvIT Regulations and SEBI Guidelines

    ASBA Bidder All Bidders other than Anchor Investors

    ASBA Form An application form, whether physical or electronic,used by ASBA Bidders

    which will be considered as the application for Allotment interms of the Offer

    Document and the Final Offer Document

    Associate Associate shall have the meaning set forth inRegulation 2(1)(b) of the InvIT


    Basis of Allotment The basis on which Units will be Allotted tosuccessful Bidders under the Issue

    and which is described in the section entitled Issue Informationon page 224

    Bid An indication to make an offer during the Bid/Issue Periodby an ASBA Bidder

    pursuant to submission of the ASBA Form, or during the AnchorInvestor

    Bid/Issue Period by an Anchor Investor pursuant to submission ofthe Anchor

    Investor Application Form, to subscribe to or purchase Units ofIndiGrid at a price

    within the Price Band, including all revisions and modificationsthereto as

    permitted under the InvIT Regulations and SEBI Guidelines

    Bid Amount The highest value of optional Bids indicated in theBid cum Application Form and

    payable by the Bidder or blocked in the ASBA Account of the ASBABidder, as

    the case may be, upon submission of the Bid in the Issue

    Bid cum Application Form The Anchor Investor Application Form orthe ASBA Form, as the context requires

    Bid/Issue Closing Date Except in relation to any Bids receivedfrom the Anchor Investors, the date after


  • Term Description

    which the Designated Intermediaries will not accept any Bids,which will be

    published in (i) all editions of Economic Times (a widelycirculated English

    national daily newspaper); and (ii) all editions of NavbharatTimes (a widely

    circulated Hindi national daily newspaper with wide circulationin New Delhi)

    Bid/Issue Opening Date Except in relation to any Bids receivedfrom the Anchor Investors, the date on

    which the Designated Intermediaries shall start accepting Bids,which will be

    published in (i) all editions of Economic Times (a widelycirculated English

    national daily newspaper); and (ii) all editions of NavbharatTimes (a widely

    circulated Hindi national daily newspaper with wide circulationin New Delhi)

    Bid/Issue Period Period between the Bid/Issue Opening Date andthe Bid/Issue Closing Date,

    inclusive of both days, during which Bidders, other than AnchorInvestors, can

    submit their Bids, including any revisions thereof

    Bid Lot [] Units

    Bidder Any prospective investor who makes a Bid pursuant to theterms of the Offer

    Document and the Bid cum Application Form and unless otherwisestates or

    implies, includes an Anchor Investor

    Bidding Centers Centers at which the Designated Intermediariesshall accept ASBA Forms, i.e,

    Designated SCSB Branch for SCSBs, Specified Locations forSyndicate, Broker

    Centres for Registered Brokers, Designated RTA Locations forRTAs and

    Designated CDP Locations for CDPs

    Bodies Corporate Bodies corporate as defined in Regulation2(1)(d) of the InvIT Regulations

    Book Building Process The book building process, as provided inSchedule XI of the SEBI ICDR


    Broker Centres Broker centers notified by the Stock Exchangeswhere Bidders can submit the

    ASBA Forms to a Registered Broker

    The details of such Broker Centers, along with the names andcontact details of the

    Registered Brokers are available on the websites of therespective Stock

    Exchanges ( and

    Cap Price The higher end of the Price Band, being ` [] per Unit,above which the Issue Price will not be finalised and above whichno Bids will be accepted

    Citi Citigroup Global Markets India Private Limited

    Client ID Client identification number maintained with one ofthe Depositories in relation to

    a demat account

    Confirmation of Allocation

    Note or CAN

    Notice or intimation of allocation of Units sent to AnchorInvestors, who have

    been allocated Units, after the Anchor Investor Bid/IssuePeriod

    Collecting Depository

    Participant or CDP

    A depository participant as defined under the Depositories Act,1996, registered

    with SEBI and who is eligible to procure Bids at the DesignatedCDP Locations in

    terms of circular no. CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/11/2015 dated November10, 2015

    issued by SEBI

    Closing Date Date on which Allotment of Units pursuant to thisIssue shall be made, i.e. on or

    about []

    Cut-off Price Issue Price of the Units to be issued pursuant tothis Issue which shall be finalised

    by the Investment Manager, in consultation with the LeadManagers

    Demographic Details Details of the Bidders including the Biddersaddress, name of the Bidders

    father/husband, investor status, occupation and bank accountdetails

    Depository Participant or


    A depository participant as defined under the DepositoriesAct

    Designated CDP Locations Such locations of the CDPs whereBidders can submit the ASBA Forms.

    The details of such Designated CDP Locations, along with namesand contact

    details of the Collecting Depository Participants eligible toaccept Bid cum

    Application Forms are available on the respective websites ofthe Stock

    Exchanges ( and

    Designated Date The date on which funds are transferred from theEscrow Account and the

    amounts blocked by the SCSBs are transferred from the ASBAAccounts, as the

    case may be, to the Public Issue Account or the Refund Account,as appropriate

    Designated Intermediaries Syndicate, sub-syndicate/agents,SCSBs, Registered Brokers, CDPs and RTAs,

    who are authorized to collect ASBA Forms from the ASBA Bidders,in relation to

    the Issue


  • Term Description

    Designated RTA Locations Such locations of the RTAs whereBidders can submit ASBA Forms to RTAs.

    The details of such Designated RTA Locations, along with namesand contact

    details of the RTAs eligible to accept Bid cum Application Formsare available on

    the respective websites of the Stock Exchanges (www.bseindia.comand

    Designated SCSB Branches Such branches of the SCSBs which shallcollect the ASBA Forms, a list of which

    is available on the website of SEBI at

    at such other website as may be prescribed by SEBI from time totime

    Designated Stock Exchange []

    DP ID Depository Participants Identification

    Draft Offer Document This Draft Offer Document dated December 2,2016, issued in accordance with

    the InvIT Regulations, which does not contain completeparticulars of the price at

    which the Units will be Allotted and the size of this Issue,including any addenda

    or corrigenda thereto

    Edelweiss Edelweiss Financial Services Limited

    Eligible NRI(s) NRI(s) from jurisdictions outside India where itis not unlawful to make an offer

    or invitation under the Issue and in relation to whom the ASBAForm and the

    Offer Document will constitute an invitation to subscribe to theUnits

    Escrow Account No-lien and non-interest bearing account openedwith the Escrow Collection

    Bank(s) and in whose favour Anchor Investors will transfer moneythrough direct

    credit/NEFT/NECS/RTGS in respect of the Bid Amount whensubmitting a Bid

    Escrow Agent []

    Escrow Agreement Agreement dated [], entered into amongst theTrustee (on behalf of IndiGrid), the

    Investment Manager, the Registrar to the Issue, the EscrowCollection Banks, the

    Refund Banks, the Escrow Agent and the Lead Managers for,inter-alia, collection

    of the Bid Amounts and for remitting refunds, if any, of theamounts collected, to

    the Bidders

    Final Offer Document Final Offer Document dated [], filed withSEBI and the Stock Exchanges after

    the Pricing Date in accordance with the InvIT Regulations andthe SEBI

    Guidelines containing, amongst other things, the Issue Pricethat is determined at

    the end of the Book Building Process, the size of this Issue andcertain other

    information, including any addenda or corrigenda thereto

    First Bidder Bidder whose name shall be mentioned first in theBid cum Application Form or

    the Revision Form and in case of joint Bids, whose name shallalso appear as the

    first holder of the beneficiary account held in joint names

    Floor Price The lower end of the Price Band, subject to anyrevision thereto, in this case being

    ` [] at or above which the Issue Price and the Anchor InvestorIssue Price will be finalised and below which no Bids will beaccepted

    Institutional Investors Institutional Investor means (i) aQualified Institutional Buyer, or (ii) a family

    trust or systematically important non-banking financialcompanies registered with

    RBI or intermediaries registered with SEBI all with net-worth ofmore than 5,000

    million as per the last audited financial statements

    Institutional Investor


    Portion of the Issue (including the Anchor Investor Portion)being not more than

    75% of the Issue, comprising not more than [] Units which shallbe available for

    allocation to Institutional Investors (including AnchorInvestors), subject to valid

    Bids being received at or above the Issue Price

    Issue Initial public offer up to [] Units (as defined below) forcash at a price of []

    per Unit aggregating up to 26,500 million Issue AgreementAgreement dated December 1, 2016 entered into amongst the Trustee(on behalf

    of IndiGrid), the Trustee, the Sponsor, the Investment Manager,the Project

    Manager and the Lead Managers

    Issue Price [] per Unit, being the final price at which Unitswill be Allotted to successful

    Bidders, other than Anchor Investors, in terms of the OfferDocument.

    The Issue Price will be decided by the Investment Manager inconsultation with

    the Lead Managers on the Pricing Date

    Issue Proceeds The proceeds of the Issue that are available toIndiGrid

    Issue Size Issue of up to [] Units aggregating up to 26,500million


  • Term Description

    LMs or Lead Managers Morgan Stanley India Company PrivateLimited, Citigroup Global Markets India

    Private Limited and Edelweiss Financial Services Limited

    Listing Agreement Any listing agreement to be entered into withthe Stock Exchanges by IndiGrid, in

    line with the format as specified under the Securities andExchange Board of India

    circular number CIR/CFD/CMD/6/2015 dated October 13, 2015 onFormat of

    uniform Listing Agreement

    Listing Date Date on which the Units of IndiGrid will be listedon the Stock Exchanges

    Minimum Bid Size 1 million

    Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley India Company Private Limited

    Mutual Funds Mutual funds registered with SEBI under theSecurities and Exchange Board of

    India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996

    Net Proceeds Proceeds of the Issue less the Issue expenses

    Non-Institutional Portion Portion of the Issue being not lessthan 25% of the Issue, comprising at least []

    Units, which shall be available for allocation on aproportionate basis to Non-

    Institutional Investors, subject to valid Bids being received ator above the Issue


    Non-Resident Indian/ Non-


    An individual resident outside India who is a citizen or is anoverseas citizen of

    India cardholder within the meaning of Section 7A of theCitizenship Act, 1955

    and includes a Non-Resident Indian, FVCIs, FIIs and FPIs

    Offer Document Offer Document dated [], to be issued inaccordance with the provisions of the

    InvIT Regulations and the SEBI Guidelines, which will not havecomplete

    particulars of the Price Band and the Issue Price at which theUnits will be offered

    and the size of this Issue including any addenda, corrigendathereto

    The Offer Document will be filed with SEBI and the StockExchanges and shall

    become the Final Offer Document which shall be filed with SEBIand the Stock

    Exchanges after the Pricing Date

    Pay-in Date Last date specified in the CAN for payment ofapplication monies by the Allottees

    Price Band Price band between the minimum price of [] per Unit(Floor Price) and the

    maximum price of [] per Unit (Cap Price) including any revisionthereof

    The Price Band will be decided by the Investment Manager, inconsultation with

    the Lead Managers, and will be announced at least five WorkingDays prior to the

    Bid/Issue Opening Date, on the websites of IndiGrid, the Sponsorand the

    Investment Manager, and shall be made available to the StockExchanges for the

    purpose of uploading on their respective websites

    Pricing Date The date on which the Investment Manager, inconsultation with the Lead

    Managers, finalises the Issue Price

    Public Issue Account No-lien and non-interest bearing bankaccount opened to receive monies from

    the Escrow Account and from the ASBA Accounts on the DesignatedDate

    Qualified Institutional

    Buyers or QIB(s)

    Qualified institutional buyers shall mean (i) a mutual fund,venture capital fund,

    alternative investment fund and foreign venture capital investorregistered with

    SEBI, (ii) a foreign portfolio investor, other than Category IIIforeign portfolio

    investor, registered with SEBI, (iii) a public financialinstitution as defined in

    section 2(72) of the Companies Act, 2013, (iv) a scheduledcommercial bank, (v) a

    multilateral and bilateral development financial institution,(vi) a state industrial

    development corporation, (vii) an insurance company registeredwith the IRDAI,

    (viii) a provident fund with minimum corpus of ` 250 million,(ix) a pension fund with minimum corpus of ` 250 million, (x)National Investment Fund set up by GoI, (xi) insurance funds set upand managed by army, navy or air force of the

    Union of India, or (xii) insurance funds set up and managed bythe Department of

    Posts, India

    Refund Account(s) No-lien and non-interest bearing accountopened with the Refund Bank(s),

    from which refunds, if any, of the whole or part of the BidAmount to Anchor

    Investors shall be made

    Refund Bank(s) []

    Registered Brokers Stock brokers registered with the stockexchanges having nationwide terminals,

    other than BRLMs and the Syndicate Members, eligible to procureBids in terms

    of Circular No. CIR/CFD/14/2012 dated October 4, 2012 issued bySEBI

    Registrar and Share Registrar and share transfer agentsregistered with SEBI and eligible to procure


  • Term Description

    Transfer Agents or RTAs Bids at the Designated RTA Locations interms of circular no.

    CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/11/2015 dated November 10, 2015 issued bySEBI

    Registrar Agreement The agreement dated December 1, 2016,entered into between the Trustee (on

    behalf of IndiGrid), the Investment Manager and the Registrar tothe Issue in

    relation to the responsibilities and obligations of theRegistrar to the Issue

    pertaining to the Issue

    Revision Form Form used by the Bidders to modify the quantity ofUnits or the Bid Amount in

    any of their ASBA Forms or any previous Revision Forms.

    Bidders are not allowed to withdraw or lower their Bids (interms of number of

    Units or the Bid Amount) at any stage

    Self Certified Syndicate

    Bank(s) or SCSB(s)

    Banks registered with SEBI, offering services in relation toASBA, a list of which

    is available on the website of SEBI at

    updated from time to time

    Specified Locations Bidding centres where the Syndicate shallaccept ASBA Forms from Bidders

    Strategic Investor A strategic investor means, (i) aninfrastructure finance company registered with

    RBI as a Non Banking Financial Company, (ii) a ScheduledCommercial Bank,

    (iii) an international multilateral financial institution, (iv)a systemically important

    Non Banking Financial Companies registered with RBI, or (v) aforeign portfolio

    investor, who together invest not less than five per cent of thetotal offer size of

    IndiGrid or such amount as may be specified by SEBI from time totime

    Syndicate Agreement The agreement dated [], entered into betweenthe Trustee (on behalf of IndiGrid),

    the Investment Manager, the Lead Managers, the Syndicate Membersand the

    Registrar to the Issue in relation to collection of Bid cumApplication Forms by

    the Syndicate

    Syndicate/ Members of the


    The Lead Managers and the Syndicate Members

    Syndicate Members Intermediaries, registered with SEBI who arepermitted to carry out activities as an

    underwriter, being, []

    Underwriters []

    Underwriting Agreement Agreement dated [], entered into betweenthe Trustee (on behalf of IndiGrid), the

    Underwriters, the Investment Manager, the Trustee, the Sponsorand the Project


    Working Day Working Day, with reference to (a) announcement ofPrice Band; and (b)

    Bid/Issue Period, shall mean all days, excluding Saturdays,Sundays and public

    holidays, on which commercial banks in Mumbai are open forbusiness; and (c)

    the time period between the Bid/ Issue Closing Date and thelisting of the Equity

    Shares on the Stock Exchanges, shall mean all trading days ofStock Exchanges,

    excluding Sundays and bank holidays, as per the SEBICircular

    SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL/CIR/P/2016/26 dated January 21, 2016

    Technical and Industry related terms

    Term Description

    ARR Aggregate Revenue Requirement

    BOOM Build, own, operate and maintain

    BPC Bid process co-ordinator

    D/C Double Circuit

    DC Direct Current

    DIC Designated inter-state transmission system customers

    DISCOM Distribution companies

    GW Giga watt

    HVDC High Voltage Direct Current

    ISTS Inter-state transmission system

    ISTS Inter State Transmission Systems

    LTTC Long term transmission customer

    MoP Ministry of Power

    MVA Mega Volt Ampere


  • Term Description

    MW Mega watt

    PFC Power Finance Corporation of India Limited

    PGCIL Power Grid Corporation of India Limited

    PoC Point of Connection

    POSOCO Power System Operation Corporation Limited

    REC Rural Electrification Corporation of India Limited

    RLDC Regional Load Dispatch Centre

    RSA Revenue Sharing Agreement

    SEB(s) State Electricity Boards

    SLDC State Load Dispatch Centre

    TBCB Tariff Based Competitive Bidding

    TSA Transmission Services Agreement

    TSP Transmission Service Provider


    Term Description

    BOCW Act The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulationof Employment and

    Conditions of Service) Act, 1996

    BSE BSE Limited

    CDSL Central Depository Services (India) Limited

    CEA Central Electricity Authority

    CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

    Companies Act Companies Act, 1956 and/or the Companies Act,2013, as applicable

    Companies Act, 1956 Companies Act, 1956, as amended (withoutreference to the provisions thereof

    that have ceased to have effect upon the notification of theNotified Sections)

    Companies Act, 2013 Companies Act, 2013, to the extent in forcepursuant to the notification of the

    Notified Sections

    Depository A depository registered with SEBI under theSecurities and Exchange Board of

    India (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 1996

    DIN Director Identification Number

    Financial Year or Fiscal

    Year or Fiscal

    Period of 12 months ended March 31 of that particular year,unless otherwise


    GoI or Government Government of India

    Ind AS Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015,notified on February 19,

    2015 by the MCA, including any amendments or modificationsthereto

    Indian GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles inIndia

    Indian GAAS Generally Accepted Auditing Standards in India

    InvIT Regulations Securities and Exchange Board of India(Infrastructure Investment Trust)

    Regulations, 2014

    IRDAI Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority ofIndia

    MoEF Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

    Notified Sections The sections of the Companies Act, 2013 thathave been notified by the Ministry

    of Corporate Affairs, Government of India

    NSDL National Securities Depository Limited

    NEFT National Electronic Funds Transfer

    NSE The National Stock Exchange of India Limited

    PAN Permanent account number

    RBI Reserve Bank of India

    Regulation S Regulation S under the Securities Act

    Rs./Rupees/INR/` Indian Rupees RTGS Real Time GrossSettlement

    Rule 144A Rule 144A under the Securities Act

    SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India constituted underthe SEBI Act

    SEBI Act The Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,1992

    SEBI Guidelines SEBI circular dated May 11, 2016 on Guidelinesfor public issue of units of



  • Term Description

    SEBI ICDR Regulations Securities and Exchange Board of India(Issue of Capital and Disclosure

    Requirements) Regulations, 2009

    Securities Act U.S. Securities Act of 1933

    SERC State Electricity Regulatory Commission

    Stock Exchanges Together, the BSE and the NSE

    U.S./U.S.A/United States United States of America

    USD/US$ United States Dollars

    ACSR Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced

    CCI Competition Commission of India

    Competition Act Competition Act, 2002


    CRISIL Report Opportunities in power transmission in India,November 2016, prepared by

    CRISIL Research

    EHS Environment, Occupational Health and Safety

    GAAR General Anti-Avoidance Rules

    InvIT Infrastructure Investment Trust

    Lahmeyer Lahmeyer International (India) Private Limited

    Sharing of Charges and

    Losses Regulations

    Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of InterState Transmission

    Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2010



    Certain Conventions

    All references in this Draft Offer Document to India are to theRepublic of India.

    Unless stated otherwise, all references to page numbers in thisDraft Offer Document are to the page numbers of

    this Draft Offer Document.

    Financial Data

    Unless the context requires otherwise, the financial informationin this Draft Offer Document in relation to

    IndiGrid, is derived from the audited combined financialstatements of SGL1, BDTCL and JTCL, which

    comprise the combined balance sheets as at September 30, 2016,March 31, 2016, March 31, 2015 and March

    31, 2014, and the related combined statements of profit and loss(including other comprehensive income),

    combined cash flow statements and combined statements of changesin equity for the six month period ended

    September 30, 2016 and for the years ended March 31, 2016, March31, 2015 and March 31, 2014, and a

    summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatoryinformation (Combined Financial

    Statements). The Combined Financial Statements have beenprepared in accordance with the basis of

    preparation as set out in note 2.1 to the Combined FinancialStatements. Please see the section entitled

    Combined Financial Statements on page 257.

    Further, this Draft Offer Document includes projections ofrevenue from operations and cash flow from

    operating activities of IndiGrid consisting of IndiGrid, SGL1,BDTCL and JTCL and each of BDTCL and JTCL

    individually, for the financial years ended March 31, 2018, 2019and 2020, prepared in accordance with the

    basis of preparation as set out in note II of projections ofrevenue from operations and cash flow from operating

    activities (the Projections of Revenue from Operations and CashFlow from Operating Activities). Please

    see the section entitled Projections of Revenue from Operationsand Cash Flow from Operating Activities on

    page 318.

    Further, this Draft Offer Document includes summary financialstatements of the (i) Sponsor, as of and for the

    financial years ended March 31, 2016 and March 31, 2015; and(ii) Investment Manager, as of and for the

    financial years ended March 31, 2016, March 31, 2015 and March31, 2014, derived respectively from the

    consolidated financial statements of the Sponsor for therespective years and from the standalone financial

    statements of the Investment Manager for the respective years,which were prepared in accordance with Indian

    GAAP and the Companies Act. The financial statements of theSponsor for the financial year ended March 31,

    2014 are not available, since the Sponsor was incorporated onJune 3, 2014. For further details, please see the

    sections entitled Summary Financial Information of the Sponsorand Summary Financial Information of the

    Investment Manager on pages 28 and 32, respectively.

    The degree to which the financial information included in thisDraft Offer Document will provide meaningful

    information is entirely dependent on the readers level offamiliarity with Indian accounting policies and

    practices, the Companies Act, the Indian GAAP, Ind AS and theInvIT Regulations. Any reliance by persons not

    familiar with Indian accounting policies and practices on thefinancial disclosures presented in this Draft Offer

    Document should accordingly be limited.

    The financial year for IndiGrid and Parties to IndiGridcommences on April 1 and ends on March 31 of the next

    year; accordingly, all references to a particular financialyear, unless stated otherwise, are to the 12 month

    period ended on March 31 of that year.

    In this Draft Offer Document, any discrepancies in any tablebetween the total and the sums of the amounts

    listed are due to rounding off. All figures in decimals and allpercentage figures have been rounded off to two

    decimal places. Certain other operational data, including routelength of transmission lines in ckms and the

    number of years under the term of a TSA, have been rounded towhole numbers.

    Currency and Units of Presentation

    All references to:


  • Rupees or or INR or Rs. are to Indian Rupee, the officialcurrency of the Republic of India; and

    USD or US$ are to United States Dollar, the official currency ofthe United States.

    Except otherwise specified, certain numerical information inthis Draft Offer Document have been presented in

    million units. One million represents 1,000,000 and one billionrepresents 1,000,000,000.

    Unless the context requires otherwise, any percentage amounts,as set forth in this Draft Offer Document, have

    been calculated on the basis of the Combined FinancialStatements, and the summary financial statements of the

    Sponsor on a consolidated basis and the Investment Manager on astandalone basis.

    Historically, the audited standalone financial statements of theInitial Portfolio Assets have been prepared in

    accordance with Indian GAAP and the Companies Act and audited bythe statutory auditors of the respective

    Initial Portfolio Assets. However, for the purposes of thisDraft Offer Document, the Combined Financial

    Statements consisting of SGL1, BDTCL and JTCL have been preparedin accordance with Ind AS. The date of

    transition for the purpose of Ind AS for the Combined FinancialStatements has been considered as April 1,


    Exchange Rates

    This Draft Offer Document contains conversion of certain othercurrency amounts into Indian Rupees. These

    conversions should not be construed as a representation thatthese currency amounts could have been, or can be

    converted into Indian Rupees, at any particular rate.

    The following table sets forth, for the dates indicated,information with respect to the exchange rate between the

    Rupee and the US$ (in Rupees per US$):

    As on (in )

    Currency September 30, 2016 September 30, 2015 March 31, 2016March 31, 2015 March 28, 2014*

    1 US$ 67.61 63.75 66.33 62.59 60.09 *Data provided as on March28, 2014, the last trading date of financial year ended March 31,2014 Source:

    Industry and Market Data

    Unless stated otherwise, industry and market data used in thisDraft Offer Document has been obtained or

    derived from publicly available information as well as industrypublications, Opportunities in power

    transmission in India issued by CRISIL Research (CRISIL Report),and other sources. For details, see the

    section entitled Industry Overview on page 118.

    Industry publications generally state that the informationcontained in such publications has been obtained from

    publicly available documents from various sources believed to bereliable but their accuracy and completeness

    are not guaranteed and their reliability cannot be assured.Accordingly, no investment decisions should be based

    on such information. Although the Investment Manager believesthat the industry and market data used in this

    Draft Offer Document is reliable, it has not been independentlyverified by the Investment Manager, the

    Sponsor, the Trustee or the Lead Managers, or any of theiraffiliates or advisors. The data used in these sources

    may have been re-classified by us for the purposes ofpresentation. Data from these sources may also not be

    comparable. Such data involves risks, uncertainties and numerousassumptions and is subject to change based on

    various factors, including those disclosed in the sectionentitled Risk Factors on page 40 of this Draft Offer

    Document. Accordingly, investment decisions should not be basedsolely on such information.

    The extent to which the market and industry data used in thisDraft Offer Document is meaningful depends on

    the readers familiarity with and understanding of themethodologies used in compiling such data. There are no

    standard data gathering methodologies in the industry in whichbusiness of IndiGrid is conducted, and

    methodologies and assumptions may vary widely among differentindustry sources.

    Disclaimer of CRISIL Research

    CRISIL Research, a division of CRISIL Limited (CRISIL) has takendue care and caution in preparing this

    report (Report) based on the Information obtained by CRISIL fromsources which it considers reliable (Data).

    However, CRISIL does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy orcompleteness of the Data / Report and is not


  • responsible for any errors or omissions or for the resultsobtained from the use of Data / Report. This Report is

    not a recommendation to invest / disinvest in any entity coveredin the Report and no part of this Report should

    be construed as an expert advice or investment advice or anyform of investment banking within the meaning of

    any law or regulation. CRISIL especially states that it has noliability whatsoever to the subscribers / users /

    transmitters/ distributors of this Report. Without limiting thegenerality of the foregoing, nothing in the Report is

    to be construed as CRISIL providing or intending to provide anyservices in jurisdictions where CRISIL does

    not have the necessary permission and/or registration to carryout its business activities in this regard. India

    Grid Trust and Sterlite Infraventures Limited will beresponsible for ensuring compliances and consequences of

    non-compliance for use of the Report or part thereof outsideIndia. CRISIL Research operates independently of,

    and does not have access to information obtained by CRISILsRatings Division / CRISIL Risk and

    Infrastructure Solutions Ltd (CRIS), which may, in their regularoperations, obtain information of a confidential

    nature. The views expressed in this Report are that of CRISILResearch and not of CRISILs Ratings Division /

    CRIS. No part of this Report may be published/reproduced in anyform without CRISILs prior written approval.

    Disclaimer of CRISIL Ratings

    CRISIL Limited (CRISIL) has taken due care and caution inpreparing the Material based on the information

    provided by its client and / or obtained by CRISIL from sourceswhich it considers reliable (Information).A

    CRISIL rating reflects CRISIL's current opinion on thelikelihood of timely payment of the obligations under the

    rated instrument and does not constitute an audit of the ratedentity by CRISIL. CRISIL does not guarantee the

    completeness or accuracy of the information on which the ratingis based. A CRISIL rating is not a

    recommendation to buy, sell, or hold the rated instrument; itdoes not comment on the market price or

    suitability for a particular investor. The Rating is not arecommendation to invest / disinvest in any entity

    covered in the Material and no part of the Material should beconstrued as an expert advice or investment

    advice or any form of investment banking within the meaning ofany law or regulation. CRISIL especially states

    that it has no liability whatsoever to the subscribers / users /transmitters/ distributors of the Material. Without

    limiting the generality of the foregoing, nothing in theMaterial is to be construed as CRISIL providing or

    intending to provide any services in jurisdictions where CRISILdoes not have the necessary permission and/or

    registration to carry out its business activities in thisregard. Sterlite Infraventures Limited and India Grid

    Trust will be responsible for ensuring compliances andconsequences of non-compliances for use of the

    Material or part thereof outside India. CRISIL Ratings ratingcriteria are available without charge to the public

    on the CRISIL web site, For the latest ratinginformation on any instrument of any company

    rated by CRISIL, please contact Customer Service Helpdesk at1800-267-1301 or visit



    Certain statements contained in this Draft Offer Document thatare not statements of historical fact constitute

    forward-looking statements. Bidders can generally identifyforward-looking statements by terminology such

    as aim, anticipate, believe, continue, can, could, estimate,expect, intend, may,

    objective, plan, potential, project, pursue, seek to, shall,should, will, would, or other

    words or phrases of similar import. Similarly, statements thatdescribe the strategies, objectives, plans or goals

    of IndiGrid and the Projections of Revenue from Operations andCash Flow from Operating Activities are also

    forward-looking statements. However, these are not the exclusivemeans of identifying forward-looking


    All statements regarding IndiGrids expected financialconditions, results of operations and cash flows, business

    plans and prospects including the Projections of Revenue fromOperations and Cash Flow from Operating

    Activities are forward-looking statements. These forward-lookingstatements include statements as to IndiGrids

    business strategy, planned projects, revenue and profitability(including, without limitation, any financial or

    operating projections or forecasts), new business and othermatters discussed in this Draft Offer Document that

    are not historical facts. Further, please note that theProjections of Revenue from Operations and Cash Flow

    from Operating Activities included in this Draft Offer Documentare based on a number of assumptions. For

    further details, please see the section entitled Projections ofRevenue from Operations and Cash Flow from

    Operating Activities on page 318.

    The Valuation Report included in this Draft Offer Document, isbased on certain projections and accordingly,

    should be read together with assumptions and notes thereto.

    Actual results may differ materially from those suggested by theforward-looking statements or financial

    projections due to certain known or unknown risks oruncertainties associated with the Investment Managers

    expectations with respect to, but not limited to, the actualgrowth in the power transmission sector, the

    Investment Managers ability to successfully implement thestrategy, growth and expansion plans, cash flow

    projections, the outcome of any legal or regulatory changes, thefuture impact of new accounting standards,

    regulatory changes pertaining to the power transmission sectorin India and our ability to respond to them, and

    general economic and political conditions in India which have animpact on our business activities or

    investments, changes in competition and the Project Managersability to operate and maintain the Initial

    Portfolio Assets and successfully implement any technologicalchanges. By their nature, certain of the market

    risk disclosures are only estimates and could be materiallydifferent from what actually occurs in the future. As a

    result, actual future gains, losses or impact on net interestincome and net income could materially differ from

    those that have been estimated.

    Factors that could cause actual results, performance orachievements of IndiGrid to differ materially include, but

    are not limited to, those discussed in the sections entitledRisk Factors, Industry Overview, Business and

    Managements Discussion and Analysis of Factors by the Directorsof the Investment Manager affecting the

    Financial Condition, Results of Operations and Cash Flows, onpages 40, 118, 142 and 179, respectively.

    Some of the factors that could cause IndiGrids actual results,performance or achievements to differ materially

    from those in the forward-looking statements and financialinformation include, but are not limited to, the


    IndiGrid is a new entity and does not have an establishedoperating history;

    We may be unable to operate and maintain our power transmissionprojects to achieve the prescribed availability;

    We may lose tariff revenues and incur significant repair andreplacement costs in the event our power transmission projects arerendered inoperable due to force majeure events;

    Substantially all our revenues are derived from tariff paymentsreceived from LTTCs. A delay in payments of point of connectioncharges to the CTU by users and customers may adversely affectour

    cash flows and results of operations;

    As the terms and conditions, including the tariff structureunder the TSAs are generally fixed, we may not be able to offsetincrease in costs, including operation and maintenance costs,solely from tariffs

    payable to us under the TSAs;

    The ability of the Project Manager to ensure that our powertransmission systems are fully operational at all times may besubject to the limitations of the power grid, existing equipment oroperational risks

    outside of their control;


  • The Initial Portfolio Assets may not achieve the projectedfinancial performance referred to in the financial projections,which would adversely affect our ability to meet our projecteddistributions to our


    The assumptions in Projections of Revenue from Operations andCash Flow from Operating Activities are inherently uncertain andare subject to significant business, economic, financial,regulatory and

    competitive risks and uncertainties that could cause actualresults to differ materially from those


    The Projections of Revenue from Operations and Cash Flow fromOperating Activities assume the successful refinancing of ourexisting indebtedness which are based on term sheets which arenon-


    We may not be able to make distributions to our Unitholderscomparable to our Unitholders estimated or anticipateddistributions or the level of distributions may fall;

    Any changes to current tariff policies or modifications oftariffs standards by regulatory authorities could have a materialadverse effect on our business, prospects, financial condition,results of operations and

    cash flows;

    Our businesses could be adversely affected if we are unable tomaintain or renew our existing regulatory approvals due to changesto the regulatory environment and the laws, rules and directives ofthe GoI;

    Any power transmission project that we acquire, which is stillunder construction and development, may be subject to cost overrunsor delays;

    ROFO Assets which are under development by the Sponsor aresubject to risks associated with the engagement of third partycontractors which may delay or even prevent such ROFO Assets frombeing

    offered to us under the ROFO Deed; and

    Price increases, foreign exchange movement or shortages in theavailability of equipment could adversely affect the Sponsorsability to develop the ROFO Assets in line with its projectedbudget or

    originally envisaged timeframes.

    Forward-looking statements and financial projections reflectcurrent views as of the date of this Draft Offer

    Document and are not a guarantee of future performance orreturns to Bidders. These statements and projections

    are based on certain beliefs and assumptions, which in turn arebased on currently available information.

    Although the Investment Manager believes that the expectationsand the assumptions upon which such forward-

    looking statements are based, are reasonable at this time, itcannot assure Bidders that such expectations will

    prove to be correct or accurate. In accordance with the InvITRegulations, the assumptions underlying the

    Projections of Revenue from Operations and Cash Flow fromOperating Activities have been examined by the

    Auditors. The Projections of Revenue from Operations and CashFlow from Operating Activities have been

    prepared for inclusion in the Draft Offer Document for thepurposes of this Issue, using a set of assumptions that

    include hypothetical assumptions about future events andmanagements actions that are not necessarily

    expected to occur, and have been approved by the board ofdirectors of the Investment Manager. Consequently,

    Bidders are cautioned that the Projections of Revenue fromOperations and Cash Flow from Operating

    Activities may not be appropriate for purposes other than thatdescribed above. Given these uncertainties,

    Bidders are cautioned not to place undue reliance on suchforward-looking statements and Projections of

    Revenue from Operations and Cash Flow from Operating Activities.In any event, these statements speak only

    as of the date of this Draft Offer Document or the respectivedates indicated in this Draft Offer Document, and

    IndiGrid, the Investment Manager and the Lead Managers or any oftheir affiliates or advisors, undertake no

    obligation to update or revise any of them, whether as a resultof new information, future events or otherwise

    after the date of this Draft Offer Document. If any of theserisks and uncertainties materialize, or if any of the

    Investment Managers underlying assumptions prove to beincorrect, the actual results of operations or financial

    condition or cash flow of IndiGrid could differ materially fromthat described herein as anticipated, believed,

    estimated or expected. All subsequent forward-looking statementsattributable to IndiGrid are expressly

    qualified in their entirety by reference to these cautionarystatements.



    The following is a general summary of the terms of this Issue.This summary should be read in conjunction

    with, and is qualified in its entirety by, the detailedinformation appearing elsewhere in this Draft Offer


    Issue Up to [] Units aggregating up to 26,500 million

    Of which

    Institutional Investor Portion (not

    more than 75% of this Issue)*

    Not more than [] Units

    Non-Institutional Investor Portion

    (not less than 25% of this Issue)

    Not less than [] Units

    Floor Price []

    Cap Price []

    Issue Price []

    Minimum Bid Size 1 million

    Issue Opening Date** []

    Issue Closing Date*** []

    Sponsor Sterlite Power Grid Ventures Limited

    Trustee Axis Trustee Services Limited

    Investment Manager Sterlite Infraventures Limited

    Project Manager Sterlite Power Grid Ventures Limited

    Authority for this Issue This Issue was authorised and approvedby the board of directors of the

    Investment Manager on November 7, 2016.

    Tenure of IndiGrid IndiGrid shall remain in force perpetuallyuntil it is dissolved or terminated

    in accordance with the Trust Deed. For details, please see thesection

    entitled Parties to IndiGrid on page 81.

    Units issued and outstanding

    immediately prior to this Issue


    Units issued and outstanding

    immediately after this Issue


    Details of commitment received

    from Strategic Investors, if any


    Sponsor Units Up to [] Units.

    The Units held by the Sponsor may rank pari passu with, and havethe same

    rights as the Units to be Allotted pursuant to this Issue.However, IndiGrid

    may issue subordinate units of IndiGrid only to the Sponsor andits

    Associates, which will be disclosed in the Offer Document, wheresuch

    subordinate units shall carry only inferior voting or any otherrights

    compared to other Units.

    The Units to be held by the Sponsor will be allotted to theSponsor,

    simultaneously with the Allotment pursuant to this Issue.

    Distribution Please see the section entitled Distribution onpage 177.

    Indian Taxation Please see the section entitled Taxation on page246.

    Use of proceeds Please see the section entitled Use of Proceedson page 170.

    Listing Prior to this Issue, there was no market for the Units.The Units are

    proposed to be listed on the NSE and BSE. In-principle approvalsfor listing

    of the Units have been received from BSE and NSE on [] and[],

    respectively. The Investment Manager shall apply to BSE and NSEfor the

    final listing and trading approvals, after the Allotment andafter the credit of

    the Units to the beneficiary accounts with the DepositoryParticipants.

    Designated Stock Exchange []

    Closing Date The date on which Allotment of the Units pursuantto this Issue shall be

    made, i.e. on or about []

    Ranking The Units being issued may rank pari passu in allrespects, including rights

    in respect of distribution. However, IndiGrid may issuesubordinate units of

    IndiGrid only to the Sponsor and its Associates, which will bedisclosed in

    the Offer Document, where such subordinate units shall carryonly inferior


  • voting or any other rights compared to other Units. TheUnitholders will be

    entitled to participate in distribution, if any, declared byIndiGrid after the

    date of Allotment.

    Please see the section entitled Rights of Unitholders on page218.

    Lock-in and Rights of


    For details, please see the sections entitled Informationconcerning the

    Units and Rights of Unitholders on pages 169 and 218,respectively.

    Risk Factors Prior to making an investment decision, Biddersshould consider carefully

    the matters discussed in the section entitled Risk Factors onpage 40. * The Investment Manager may, in consultation with theLead Managers, consider participation by Anchor Investors in thisIssue for up

    to 60% of the Institutional Investor Portion in accordance withthe InvIT Regulations and the SEBI Guidelines. ** The AnchorInvestor Bid/Issue Period shall be one Working Day prior to theBid/Issue Opening Date.

    *** The Investment Manager may in consultation with the LeadManagers, consider closing the Bid/ Issue Period for QIBs oneWorking

    Day prior to the Bid/ Issue Closing Date in accordance with theSEBI Guidelines

    Allocation to Bidders in all categories, except the AnchorInvestor Portion, if any, shall be made on a

    proportionate basis. In case of under-subscription in anycategory, the unsubscribed portion in either category

    may be Allotted to Investors in the other category at thediscretion of the Investment Manager, in consultation

    with the Lead Managers and the Designated Stock Exchange.

    The Issue is being made through the Book Building Process,wherein not more than 75% of the Issue shall be

    available for allocation to Institutional Investors on aproportionate basis, provided that the Investment Manager,

    in consultation with the Lead Managers, may allocate up to 60%of the Institutional Investor Portion to Anchor

    Investors on a discretionary basis in accordance with the InvITRegulations and the SEBI Guidelines. Further,

    not less than 25% of the Issue shall be available for allocationon a proportionate basis to Non-Institutional

    Investors, subject to valid Bids being received at or above theIssue Price. In case of under-subscription in any

    category, the unsubscribed portion in either category may beAllotted to Bidders in the other category at the

    discretion of the Investment Manager, in consultation with theLead Managers and the Designated Stock


    The Units, on Allotment, shall be traded only in thedematerialized segment of the Stock Exchanges.

    In ac

India Grid Trust - Morgan Stanley Grid Trust (Registered in the ... Contact Person: Sandeep Maheshwari/ Anant Kharad SEBI Registration No.: INM0000010650 Karvy Computershare Private - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.