A Beautiful Land for ATVs at Lake of the Woods - Lake of the Woods (2024)

The ATV enthusiast can be assured of great trails and beautiful sights as they travel the area at Lake of the Woods. This activity has become a growing sport for young and old alike. Lake of the Woods has a new website at www.lakeofthewoodsmn.com. When you go to that site, click on Outdoor Adventures and find info on ATVs, Biking, Motorcycling and the like. Click on Maps and Trails and you will find Historic Trails, Scenic Drives, The Bog Drive and the Forest Management Drive. You’ll find a vast amount of information to make you trip to Lake of the Woods so enjoyable.

Off-highway vehicles can be driven on all state forest trails that are not designated as off limits for environmental or safety reasons. A Beautiful Land for ATVs at Lake of the Woods - Lake of the Woods (1)Lake of the Woods area literally has thousands of acres of prime ATV destinations, a variety of nice resorts and hotels and of course great places to eat and drink while on vacation.

Legislation effective August 1, 2005 allows a greater freedom for all-terrain vehicle riders choosing to ride in Minnesota state forests in our region. Off-highway vehicles can be driven on all state forest trails that are not designated as off limits for environmental or safety reasons.

A Beautiful Land for ATVs at Lake of the Woods - Lake of the Woods (2)

Beltrami Island State Forest is just west of Baudette and spans an area of 66,903 acres. Pine Island State Forest is just east of Baudette and encompasses 878,040 acres. Northwest Angle State Forest in the north end of Lake of the Woods county has 144,412 acres to explore.

A Beautiful Land for ATVs at Lake of the Woods - Lake of the Woods (3)

Many visitors come to experience the vast wilderness trails via ATV during the summer and fall months. Beltrami State Forest and the Bankton roads south of Williams and Roosevelt have hundreds of miles of trails, 238 to be exact; not to mention the great hunting that goes with it. Much of this trail system follows county roads, township roads, ditch banks and existing trails. Local people also know back roads that are accessible for travel even from the lake area.

Off highway vehicles can be driven on all state forest trails that are not designates as off limits for environmental or safety reasons. For more information and trail maps check out our ATV PAGE or the MN DNR website.

When looking at the Homesteader’s Trail, you’ll find remnants of a time past when pioneers were able to secure free land. At one time 0 fam4ilies lived along the present day Bankton Forest Road. They accessed the area on forest trails that followed sandy ridges. They also traveled by boat in the summer and on the ice in the winter.A Beautiful Land for ATVs at Lake of the Woods - Lake of the Woods (4)

The homesteaders’ livelihood was based on the resources of the area. They logged sawtimber and poles, worked in sawmills, trapped fur, and provided their own food by subsistence farming and hunting.

The community of Bankton had a post office, school, and a community hall. Most of the people that lived in the Bankton area relocated to other parts of Lake of the Woods county during the federal Resettlement Program of 1935.

The openings along the Bankton Forest Road are all vestiges of the farm fields left by the homesteaders. The location of the homesite is often marked with a willow tree or lilac bush planted by the settlers. Two cemeteries established by the homesteaders remain along the Bankton Forest Road. Records are a bit fuzzy, but at least 5 people are buried in each cemetery. The Hamilton Farm Cemetery is also referred to as the Germanson Cemetery in early township records. The Bankton Cemetery is called God’s Acre Cemetery in the obituary of one of the people buried there.

Informational signs along the Bankton Forest Road identify the two cemeteries and the location of a few of the homestead sites where evidence of buildings remain.

A Beautiful Land for ATVs at Lake of the Woods - Lake of the Woods (5)All of these trails and historic sites are beautiful to explore as you ride your ATV or bicycle. No mountains here, however, mountain bikes also use these trails as they tour these beautiful forest areas. So….come fishing to the Walleye Capital of the World and also bring your ATV or side by side to not only enjoy the pristine waters of Lake of the Woods but to also enjoy the lands surrounding the lake area. Choose your favorite resort and make reservations now among the 50+ resorts both on the south shore and also at the Northwest Angle.

For more information see our website at: www.lakeofthewoodsmn.com

For Lodging see: www.lakeofthewoodsmn.com/lodging

Also see our FaceBook page at: www.facebook.com/lakeofthewoodsmn

A Beautiful Land for ATVs at Lake of the Woods - Lake of the Woods (2024)


When riding through the forest on your ATV What must you keep in mind? ›

Avoid sharp or sudden turns, and keep your vehicle moving at a steady pace, not moving too fast. Many off-road riding trails will take you through thick forests where you'll have less visibility as you ride. Slow down and remain aware of your surroundings, especially on turns.

What is the best material for an ATV trail? ›

Although you should avoid building your ATV trail across wet areas, you can use cement blocks, native rocks, or interlocking pavers to make these areas more passable with minimal impact on runoff management and soil conditions.

What must you always keep in mind when riding your ATV? ›

The golden rules of ATV safety

Always wear goggles, long sleeves, long pants, over-the-ankle boots, gloves and DOT-compliant helmets. Never ride on paved roads except to cross when done safely and permitted by law. ATVs are classified as off-highway vehicles. Never ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Which areas should be avoided when riding ATVs? ›

Never ride on paved surfaces or public roads (except to cross them). Never exceed the number of passengers recommended by the manufacturer. Teens should never give a passenger a ride even if they have a two-person ATV.

What do I need to know before riding an ATV? ›

Know Your ATV Safety Basics
  • Start with a simple machine. Picking up a high-performance ride may sound fun, but too much power can be bad. ...
  • Check out the owner's manual. ...
  • Educate yourself first. ...
  • Make sure you have solid footing. ...
  • Stay off the street. ...
  • Go slowly at first. ...
  • Purchase high-test gasoline. ...
  • Wear protective clothing.
May 21, 2024

What is the most important thing to do before riding an ATV for the very first time? ›

Getting Familiar With the Throttle

One of the most important things about riding four-wheelers is getting comfortable with the throttle, a thumb lever on the right handle. Since ATVs can have well over a hundred horsepower and little weight, you'll have a lot of power in your bare hands.

When driving your ATV at night what should you always be able to do offroad Ed? ›

Never “overdrive your headlight.” You always should be able to stop within the length of the headlight beam. If the headlight suddenly reveals an obstacle, you should be able to stop before you hit it. A high beam is effective for about 200 feet. To avoid a collision, travel slower than 30 mph.

What should all operators keep in mind when they have passengers on their ATV in Minnesota? ›

*A passenger or operator under the age of 18 must wear a DOT approved helmet while on an ATV. *An operator or passenger under the age of 18 must wear a seat belt if provided by the manufacturer. *A person under 18 may carry one passenger on a Class 1 ATV only if it is their parent or legal guardian.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.